What size are the wipers on the Lada Kalina (front and rear)

Quick comparison

I offer brief recommendations for wipers. Choose what is more important to you and buy. A detailed description, installation video and price comparison are below.

Bosch AerotwinFrameless. Made in Belgium. The optimum ratio of price and quality. ★★★★★Buy a kit
Denso HybridHybrid. All-season. The best brushes on the market. ★★★★★Driver Passenger
Bosch Twin SpoilerHigh-quality and reliable frame wipers with spoiler.★★★★✩Buy a kit
Bosch EcoThe most budget option. But it's still Bosch. ★★★✩✩Driver Passenger

Selecting wiper blades

How the front and rear seats fold out on the Lada Vesta

Denso frameless wipers are good, but the “hook” will have to be finished off a little with a grinder

Depending on the purpose, wiper blades may be different. They are distinguished by:

  1. Degrees of resistance to low temperatures.
  2. Size.
  3. The cycle of work.


Frame wipers are the most reliable (in my humble opinion)

Frame brushes are made of metal with plastic inserts. If they are used frequently, their resource quickly runs out. All fastening elements in them become loose. Also, these wipers cannot work at low temperatures.


Frameless wipers for Kalina ACLO, in any Auchan in the country

They are based on plastic and rubber. They are arched. The advantage of this type of brushes is their resistance to low temperatures and the absence of noise during operation. They can also last for a long period of time. They can be easily updated if necessary. To do this, you just need to choose the appropriate size brushes.

Frameless windshield wipers for Kalina

An excellent option is the Bosch Aerotwin Retrofit AR 601 S kit (article number 3397118907). This is a pair of brushes of the “native” size and fastening. Cleans well in any weather, quiet, durable. They are produced in Belgium. Find out more about Bosch Aerotwin.

Champion piece brushes 600 mm (item ER60/B01) and 400 mm (item ER40/B01). They are easy to install and clean glass well. Read more about Champion Izivision.

SWF piece brushes : 600 mm (article 119860) and 400 mm (article 119840). Asymmetrical spoiler, excellent cleaning, easy to install. Read more about SVF windshield wipers.

Also pay attention to the Kamoka (article 27E09) - frameless Polish wipers. Read more about Kamoke.

Wiper size for Lada-Granta: how to choose the right one

In order to ensure high-quality cleaning of the windshield, auto experts recommend changing windshield wiper blades every season, but not many car owners do this. In addition, many car enthusiasts have a question: how to choose the right size of windshield wipers for the Lada-Granta, what to look for, and what will happen if you choose the wrong size blades. Let's take a closer look.

How do you know when your windshield wiper blades need to be replaced?

The cleanliness of the windshield directly affects road safety. Many motorists change their wipers infrequently, but this should be done at least once a year. Replacing Lada-Granta windshield wiper blades depends on the service life, weather conditions, and the manufacturer.

Manufacturers now offer windshield wipers for Lada, which are equipped with a wear indicator. They cost a little more, but will tell the driver when replacement is required. Although motorists note that this identification is not entirely objective. The mark fades under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, rain or snow, so such indicators are not always decisive.

Factors indicating the need to replace wipers:

  • Cloudy glass. This could be chemical contamination, but most often indicates that the corners of the wiper blades are damaged and need to be replaced.
  • Uncleaned areas of the windshield of different diameters. Indicate deformation of the rubber element of the brushes or a large amount of accumulated ice or dirt on the glass.
  • The brush jumps or leaves vertical stripes uncleaned. Most often, the defect occurs when using classic “Grants” frame wipers. Indicates that the brushes are loose or there is no play.

Optimal size

The standard size of the Lada-Grant windshield wipers on the windshield, which is indicated in the instruction manual, is 60 cm on the driver’s side and 41 cm on the passenger’s side. At the same time, on the left (driver's side) the maximum size of the brushes is indicated. If you set it even 1 cm more, the wipers will knock and fail faster. On the right passenger side it is possible to increase the length of the brushes. The maximum length in this case will be 45 cm.

Most often, when replacing, drivers prefer to choose a longer wiper on the passenger side as it cleans the windshield better. The price in this case differs slightly.

Alternative sizes

Motorists approach the issue of selecting wipers for Lada individually. Some people don’t like blades that are too long, while others, on the contrary, are sure that the more area the windshield is cleaned, the better.

The standard size of 60 x 40 cm is still the most common. Although a good alternative is considered to be a length of 60 x 45 cm or 60 x 42.5. It is worth noting that the total length of the brushes should not exceed 105 cm. The left brush is always located above the right one.

Most often, frameless wipers “Lada-Grants” are offered with a size of 60 x 45 cm. They are easy to use and have a longer service life.

The cheapest option is the frame brushes that come with a new car, but they don’t last long.

Which Lada-Granta windshield wiper blades are best to buy?

The standard length dimensions for Lada-Grant wipers are 60 x 41 cm. It is not recommended to purchase ones that are too large, since they will not fit tightly to the glass, and therefore will not clean the surface properly.

What to look for when purchasing:

  1. High-quality wipers are odorless, but cheap analogues emit an unpleasant odor.
  2. Brushes must be elastic. If sharp corners are formed when bending, then the wiper will leave large uncleaned areas.
  3. The brushes, namely the rubber and metal parts, must be clearly marked.
  4. When selecting wipers, you should pay attention to the quality of the components. For example, rubber must be resistant to chemicals and temperature changes. And also there should be no traces of rubber on the glass, this indicates its low quality.
  5. The brush should work silently. Any noise or scraping on the glass indicates that the size was chosen incorrectly or the installation was carried out incorrectly.

How to install brushes on Kalina

Watch the video on how to install Bosch wipers correctly:

what kind of
wipers are installed
on viburnum How to change wipers

on viburnum. When you put them back, you will need this information.
If you put them in the wrong position, they can hit the bottom of the pad during operation, scratching it and damaging the brushes. Well, there’s another problem that occurs on Kalina, the brush on the driver’s side hits the edge of the driver’s door. Someone also sets it to 40cm, but in this case it will be necessary to increase the limit of the wiper stroke. Buy frame fin whales for 250 rubles (there are just 2 brushes in the box, 60 and 40 cm) for Kalina , and don’t load your head with crap like diagrams of the torsion and twist of the “windshield wipers” during And what leashes should be installed on the VAZ? That’s the problem, and not only with the VAZ. Alex.ru. boils down to replacing the rear wiper with a wiper from Kalina
1. Someone tried to rivet the wiper mounts, installed different springs. I simply bent the rear wiper handle (the steel plate on which the windshield wiper blade is held) more strongly. As a result, I installed a relay with an adjustable wiper pause on Kalina - it’s a comfortable thing, you can set the clearance between the strokes of the brushes and first Any
wipers (up to 400 rubles per set) scrape at the factory. They install some unbearably cheap brushes that they The mechanism of operation of the wipers on a Lada Kalina
is quite simple.
Even if the windshield wiper blade breaks down, every car owner will be able to fix the problem. True reviews about various brands of wipers, windshield wiper blades. Lada Kalina has excellent blades (I’ve been installing these for the summer for the 3rd year now) they are enough for about a season, but in winter they freeze up like an ordinary frame from any manufacturer lkforum.ru/showthread. php I would like to install regular blades, because the standard ones are unsafe for me and those around me - I don’t work at all, the snow sticks in general, it’s terrible, but by the way, if you want to save money, then just remove the wipers , rinse, dry and drop some engine oil into the hinges with a pipette, only the wipers . From a new perspective I have special requirements for windshield wipers.4. We place the leash vertically with the hook up and with light blows on the hook we drive the lever into the base to the required 2-2.5 cm. Thanks to the rust, it is very comfortable to evaluate, on I went to a car store, bought brushes for viburnum
(as it was written on the price tag) for 370 rubles. Goes here and there on a janitor's leash and that's it. It is not correct. (for sure).

How to choose the right size of windshield wipers for a Lada Granta without compromising their quality?

The safety of the driver and passengers primarily depends on the quality of windshield cleaning, so every car owner must control this issue. Wipers are classified as consumables, so sooner or later every car enthusiast will be faced with the need to replace them. What size is the Lada Granta windshield wiper and in what cases do the blades need to be changed? We will tell you more about this below.

When do windshield wiper blades need to be replaced?

There are several signs that indicate that the purifiers need replacing:

  1. The primary and most important is poor windshield cleaning quality, the appearance of streaks and streaks when fluid is supplied from the washer reservoir. As a result of wear of the blades themselves installed on the wipers, the quality of glass cleaning is reduced to a minimum. Poor cleaning results in obstructed visibility.
  2. The appearance of noise and squeaking when the wipers operate. As a rule, extraneous noise appears after the brushes begin to wear out and the glass is poorly cleaned. But there are also cases when the sound appears first, and only then the ineffectiveness of the brushes. So if you notice squeaking or noise, keep in mind that you will have to change your wipers soon.
  3. The glass began to darken. As a rule, darkening of the glass is caused by the use of a low-quality washer, but the reason may also lie in damage to the rubber blade. This will cause the angle of the wiper edge to be offset.
  4. The windshield wipers seem to “jump”. As a result of an increase in lifting force, the following problem appears - the wipers begin to work faster, and accordingly, they can jump over some areas of the glass surface.

The brush does not adhere tightly to the glass surface

Brush sizes

  • according to the technical manual, the size of the driver's wiper is 600 mm;
  • The size of the passenger cleaner is 410 mm.

Alternatively, you can use longer windshield wipers:

  1. On the passenger side, you can install a longer wiper, its size should be no more than 450 mm, this will allow it to engage a larger amount of surface.
  2. As for the driver's brush, it is better not to experiment here. For example, if you install a 610 mm wiper, this will cause it to touch the car body during operation, and accordingly, a knock will appear (video author - TheLadaKalina 2).

Types of wipers

There are two types of wipers for the Lada Granta:

  1. Frameless. Such products are better pressed against the surface of the windshield, which allows for better cleaning. Due to the absence of a frame, such devices practically do not freeze during the frosty season, which greatly simplifies their operation in winter. In addition, when operating at high speed, frameless products produce an order of magnitude less noise.
  2. Frame. This option is older, since it was previously widely used on many cars. Their cost is lower, but they are equipped with a frame, which in any case will freeze during cold weather. However, products of this type tend to cause less damage to the surface of the windshield, since they are not pressed against it as tightly, unlike frameless options.

There is also a hybrid version of the product, but it has the same characteristics as frame wipers, so we do not recommend choosing it. The most technologically advanced option is frameless products, but their cost is higher (the author of the video is the remgar channel).

Recommendations for selection

Let's consider several product manufacturers:

  1. Frameless Bosch Aerotwin. Belgian-made products are equipped with native fastenings; the main advantage is a long service life, as well as aerodynamics and the absence of extraneous sounds during operation.
  2. SWF VisioNext - also of the frameless type, equipped with a hook type mount. The products are manufactured by Valeo, which also produces many other types of components and parts for cars.
  3. Bosch Twin Spoiler frame brushes. Dimensions fit standard Granta windshield wipers. Despite the fact that the products are frame, they are quite reliable and have a long service life.
  4. Champion Aerovantage. This manufacturer has been on the market for quite a long time, during which time it has been able to win the trust of many of our compatriots. The products belong to the premium segment of the market and are equipped with a steel frame.

Price issue

The cost of products depends on their quality, performance and manufacturer. Average prices for some windshield wiper models are shown below.

Video “How to restore the performance of windshield wiper blades in Grant?”

You can learn more about the procedure for restoring wipers with your own hands from the video below (author - max akimov).

Purifier size

This is an important criterion that has a direct impact on the selection process. The area of ​​the glass surface to be cleaned depends on the size of the product's wipers. The rear wiper for a hatchback may differ in size from the front wipers, which must be of sufficient size to maintain the required cleaning efficiency.

In practice, it has been observed that the optimal overall dimension of the windshield wipers for the front glass is 24 inches. By the way, for the “passenger” section you can safely use the 16-inch version of the product.

For the stern glass, you can choose an accessory according to the personal preferences of the owner. Many owners of the Lada Kalina hatchback version testify that the most rational size of wipers is 24 inches. With such a “unit”, cleaning the glass surface will be quite effective, since the treatment area in this case is maximum.

When purchasing wipers, you will need the attention and advice of the seller to ensure that the size of the windshield wiper blades indicated on the packaging corresponds to the actual parameters of the product. This is due to a cunning maneuver by accessory manufacturers to tend to round off digital data. This aspect does not carry a global burden, however, having reliable information will not prevent the owner from gaining confidence in the ideal applicability of the cleaners to his LADA Kalina car.

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Replacing wiper blades (+ video)

The blades are removed and the lock on the end of the windshield wiper is unfastened. Next, the rubber bands that are mounted on the frame are removed. Work must be done carefully. Next, new brushes are installed. If necessary, they are trimmed. You need to use scissors for this. The new rubber bands are tightly attached to the windshield wiper. Here you may need to straighten the fasteners or push the brushes under them. In the first option, you can accidentally damage the terminals, and in the second, you can fiddle with the work for a long time. Here everyone should choose the most convenient method for themselves.

Problems with the wipers

Therefore, it is recommended to constantly monitor the operation of the wipers and promptly correct various problems. The principle of operation of wipers is simple, and most problems can be resolved independently. The main question here is to know a little about the operating principle of this unit.

In the case when the wipers on the Lada Kalina start to work poorly, you first need to check the mounting block, as well as the integrity of the fuse. As noted, this reason is the most common. Even a beginner can fix it. To replace the fuse, you must remove the cover from the fuse box. It is located under the steering wheel on the left. There is a diagram on this cover that will help you figure out where each fuse is located. It must be found, checked and replaced if necessary.

Intermittent operation

In this case, attention should be paid to the relay.

Appearance of the wiper relay

Wiper relay number K6.

Fuse box diagram

Also, if necessary, replace the relay. It is located next to the fuses in the mounting block. If the relay is working properly, then you need to check the drive. All contacts are inspected for oxidation. If necessary, they are replaced with new ones.

If this does not help, then you will need to check the entire system with a tester. In this case, make sure that voltage is supplied to the terminals.

Possible malfunctions and how to eliminate them?

Intermittent operation of the rear wiper mechanism is a very common situation faced by owners of the Lada Kalina station wagon. The solution is simple - you need to replace the fuse. It is located in the mounting block, which in turn is located under the panel to the left of the steering column. Sometimes a replacement requires a relay, which can be found in the same mounting module.

When the rear windshield wiper completely refuses to function after activating the button, then diagnostics of the electric drive of the LADA Kalina station wagon will be needed. The wiring goes to the electric motor itself. Here you need to make sure that the contact at the ground terminal is reliable. In most cases, the problem is eliminated by simply cleaning the contacts from oxides. If such manipulations do not give the desired result, disassembling the mechanism and probably replacing the motor will be required. Sometimes the culprit for the lack of purifier functionality is the steering column switch.

Problems with the wipers

Therefore, it is recommended to constantly monitor the operation of the wipers and promptly correct various problems. The principle of operation of wipers is simple, and most problems can be resolved independently. The main question here is to know a little about the operating principle of this unit.

In the case when the wipers on the Lada Kalina start to work poorly, you first need to check the mounting block, as well as the integrity of the fuse. As noted, this reason is the most common. Even a beginner can fix it. To replace the fuse, you must remove the cover from the fuse box. It is located under the steering wheel on the left. There is a diagram on this cover that will help you figure out where each fuse is located. It must be found, checked and replaced if necessary.

Intermittent operation

In this case, attention should be paid to the relay.

Appearance of the wiper relay

Wiper relay number K6.

Fuse box diagram

Also, if necessary, replace the relay. It is located next to the fuses in the mounting block. If the relay is working properly, then you need to check the drive. All contacts are inspected for oxidation. If necessary, they are replaced with new ones.

If this does not help, then you will need to check the entire system with a tester. In this case, make sure that voltage is supplied to the terminals.

Checking and repairing the wiper motor

If current is supplied to the windshield wiper motor, but it does not work, it will most likely need to be replaced.

Add. weight on the wiper motor - checked. Helps when the windshield wipers start to bite and they crawl slowly and creakingly across the glass

To do this, you need to disconnect the terminals from the battery and remove the protection from the wires. Then the screws that hold the contacts are unscrewed. Then the required element is changed and the system is assembled in the reverse order.

If electricity does not flow to the electric motor, the wiper switch will need to be replaced. To do this, you need to turn off the power to the car and remove the trim from the steering column. Remove the old switch and install the new one. Next, reassemble in reverse order.

Gearbox and trapezoid

We remove and inspect the trapezoid

If voltage is supplied to the electric motor, but the wipers do not spin, then the gearbox or trapezoid has failed. The gearbox axis should rotate after it is removed. If this is the case, but the trapezoid remains motionless, then you need to check the splines that drive it. If there is no damage, then you need to tighten the nut on the connection more tightly. If the splines are worn out, this element must be replaced.

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