Which mirrors for VAZ 2105 are better?

How to disassemble the side mirror of a VAZ 2107

Replacing a side mirror is not a complex, skilled job. The only tool required is a Phillips screwdriver. The order of operations is as follows:

  • use your fingers to unscrew the locking washer, which is located at the base of the mirror adjustment lever;
  • Unscrew the screw securing the decorative trim using a Phillips screwdriver;
  • know the plastic decorative trim;

Heated mirrors

To install heated rear view mirrors, use self-adhesive heating film, which is sold in stores. You will need a screwdriver, a plastic ruler, double-sided tape and heating film.

To modify the mirrors, you need to remove them from the car. Installation of electric heating is carried out as follows:

  • unscrew the 4 screws located behind the mirror glass;
  • remove the hinge;
  • separate the mirror from the plastic backing using a plastic ruler;
  • clean the back surface of the mirror and the backing from any remaining tape;
  • glue the heating film to the back of the mirror so that the connection terminals are directed towards the car;
  • remove the cover at the bottom of the case by unscrewing the screws;
  • connect two copper stranded wires to the terminals of the film;
  • insert the wires into the outlet hole of the mirror handle, through which the control lever passes (to prevent them from fraying, it is necessary to protect them with a plastic tube);
  • stick the glass onto the substrate using new double-sided tape;
  • install the rear view mirror by first drilling a hole at the bottom of the decorative trim and threading the wires into it.

Heated mirrors are ready. All that remains is to connect the wires to the car's electrical network.

For special connoisseurs of comfort, it is possible to install rear-view mirrors with electrical adjustments

The design of any vehicle contains such important elements as side rear-view mirrors. The domestic car VAZ 2107 is no exception, but the standard devices from the factory do not satisfy some modern drivers. That is why some owners decide to replace the side mirrors on the VAZ 2107. Instead of standard devices, you can install more functional models, which will not only increase safety, but also improve the exterior design.

Disassembling mirrors

Disassembly example

You can disassemble a car mirror in several ways.

There are several ways to remove the mirror element from the housing:

  1. Pressing on the central part of the mirror from the inside, unclip it using a curved screwdriver. In this case, you need to be as careful as possible so as not to accidentally break the mirror element itself.
  2. The second method is more risky, but no less effective. To get the mirror, you need to not forcefully, but sharply hit the mirror body on some soft elastic surface.

Removing the mirror housing from the triangular mount is quite simple; you just need to unhook the spring, unscrew the adjusting rod and remove its pin.

The rear view mirror is assembled and installed in the reverse order.

How to disassemble and repair a rear view mirror?

  • How to disassemble and repair a rear view mirror?
  • What is needed for disassembly
  • How to remove a mirror
  • How to disassemble a mirror, 2 ways
  • Repair rules
  • It often happens that the rear view mirror mount becomes loose and the mirror does not hold well or falls off (perhaps someone caught it while driving).
    It happens that the side mirror is broken or cracked - it needs to be replaced. The mirror angle adjustment drive may need to be repaired. You can contact a car service center and they will attach the mirror in place. But if there is no service nearby, you will have to act independently. The rear view mirror is extremely important on the road: the driver can monitor the situation on the roadway in the viewing area behind the rear fenders and rear bumper. Mirrors on different brands of cars are different: interior mirror and side mirrors, regular, folding, electric and others. When removing and disassembling any mirror, you need to be extremely careful not to damage the mirror itself.

    • What is needed for disassembly
    • How to remove a mirror
    • How to disassemble a mirror, 2 ways
    • Repair rules

    What is needed for disassembly

    In order to disassemble the mirror, you will need the following tool:

    • 2 flat screwdrivers (they are used to release the latches).

    • A thin, long screwdriver and a piece of soft cloth (to wrap the screwdriver).

    • 10mm star wrench or regular screwdriver with interchangeable bits.

    How to remove a mirror

    How to remove the electric side mirror (assembled):

    1. Remove the triangular trim from the front door.

    2. Disconnect the mirror wiring connector. Do not damage the mirror heating wiring!

    3. Holding the mirror, remove the 3 mounting screws.

    4. Remove the mirror assembly.

    5. We install the mirror in the reverse order.

    Removing the side rear view mirror with a mechanical drive:

    1. Remove the mirror adjuster locking bracket.

    3.We remove the mirror.

    4. Installation is carried out in reverse order.
    How to remove a rear view mirror in a car

    The most common option for fastening the rear view mirror to the windshield is 2 bolts. Such fasteners are found on domestic cars. To remove the interior mirror, proceed as follows:

    1. Remove the caps on the bolts (if any).

    2. Holding the mirror, unscrew the mounting bolts.

    3. Remove the mirror.
    4. Wipe the area where the mirror meets the windshield with alcohol.

    5. When installing the mirror, you need to make sure that the mirror “sits” in the same place (the spot on the windshield).

    On a foreign car, the rear view mirror is glued to the windshield. To remove the mirror from the windshield, follow these steps:

    1. We remove all the plastic plugs with our hands.

    2. Moderately pull the mirror up (toward the ceiling).

    Apply proper force (when pulling the mirror up). If you overdo it, the windshield may crack. If the mirror has already moved out of place (has come out of the runners of the bracket), and you are still pulling it with force, then you can accidentally cut through the upholstery on the ceiling with a sharp edge. On some car models there is a special lock in the form of a button (you need to press it).

    How to disassemble a mirror, 2 ways

    To replace a cracked mirror, you need to know how to disassemble a rearview mirror. You can only disassemble the removed mirror: it is both convenient and safe for the mirror itself. Disassembling the rear view mirror can be done in two ways:

    • Having previously removed the mirror from the door or windshield. This disassembly method is safer for the entire mirror unit.

    Removing and installing a mirror on a VAZ 2107

    Before you change the side mirrors on the VAZ 2107, let’s figure out what their purpose is. Side mirrors have a simple, but very important purpose - to control the traffic situation behind the car. They enable the driver to control the situation when changing lanes, overtaking, and reversing.

    From the factory, the seven is equipped with conventional ZZV rear-view mirrors, which have many disadvantages:

    • There is a small viewing area, but also many blind spots, which reduces visibility and also increases danger.
    • Lack of heating leads to the fact that in cold weather the devices freeze, and therefore visibility is reduced.
    • The appearance of the device is not modern, so it is impossible to do without upgrading the mirrors.

    This is interesting! The first "sevens" came off the assembly line with one side mirror, which was located on the driver's door. However, later a second mirror appeared, and the reason for its appearance was the increase in the number of cars on the roads.

    To install new CBs, you will need to dismantle the standard ones, which does not present any difficulties. To remove standard devices, you will only need to use a slotted screwdriver. The withdrawal algorithm is as follows:

    1. The washer that secures the adjusting lever is unscrewed by hand.
    2. Unscrew one screw that secures the decorative trim.
    3. After unscrewing, you can remove the cover.
    4. Under the lining there is a rubber gasket, which also needs to be removed.
    5. Now, to unscrew the device, you will need to unscrew the one remaining screw, just be careful so that the mirror does not fall to the ground.
    6. After dismantling, you can begin installing new mirrors.

    How to disassemble a side rear view mirror

    It is necessary to disassemble the mirror to repair it. Often this operation is performed if the mirror element needs to be replaced. In this case, the plastic case does not change. Also, the mirror element must be removed if you plan to paint the side mirror housing.

    Disassembling the side mirror is carried out as follows:

    1. The mirror element in the mirror body is secured with plastic latches (2 or 3 latches on each side). To carefully and safely remove the mirror from the case, it is recommended to heat the plastic latches with a simple household hairdryer. In this case, it is important to distribute the heat over the surface of the mirror, and also not to use high heat with a hair dryer. Ignoring this rule may lead to melting of the housing and latches.
    2. Once the latches become softer, you can remove the mirror. This is done using plastic spatulas or a flat screwdriver, which is pre-wrapped with electrical tape (protection from scratches on the body and on the mirror itself);
    3. To remove the mirror, insert a piece of soft rag into the gap between the mirror part and the body, after which you can insert a spatula or screwdriver. The result is a lever that can be used to move the mirror;

    Other ways to remove a car mirror

    If the side mirror is structurally simple or the mirror element is already damaged and requires replacement, to remove the mirror element it may be sufficient to do the following:

    • a soft lining is placed on a flat surface;
    • then you should not hit the lining too hard with the mirror body;

    As a rule, in this case the mirror element “jumps off” from the latches, without damage (this is important for entire rear-view mirrors that are disassembled for repair). Then all that remains is to remove the element completely and carry out repairs.

    However, on simple side mirrors (without heating and electrical adjustments), this method of removing the mirror element can significantly save time and simplify the procedure (if done correctly).

    Removing the “dead zone” in mirrors

    Small self-adhesive spherical mirrors are sold for tuning mirrors. Their range is quite large, so the shape and size of such mirrors can be selected individually.

    The field of view of spherical mirrors is much wider than that of standard ones. Thus, the problem of “dead zones” is finally solved.

    To install heated rear view mirrors, use self-adhesive heating film, which is sold in stores. You will need a screwdriver, a plastic ruler, double-sided tape and heating film.

    To modify the mirrors, you need to remove them from the car. Installation of electric heating is carried out as follows:

    Heated mirrors are ready. All that remains is to connect the wires to the car's electrical network.

    Rear-view mirrors are necessary for the driver to control the traffic situation when performing various maneuvers to change lanes from one lane of the roadway to another, as well as for the convenience of reversing maneuvers. For the convenience of the driver, the design of the cars provides for the presence of rear side mirrors located on the front doors and one internal mirror located in the car interior, centrally located near the windshield.

    Replacement of external side mirrors of VAZ 2107 . For repairs you will need a Phillips screwdriver.

    1. Open the door and lower the side window all the way. Find the mirror mounting screw and unscrew it.
    2. After unscrewing the screw, remove the side window seal and remove the mirror mechanism.

    This completes the removal process. Remove the mirror on the other side in the same way. Install in the reverse order of removal.

    Removing and fixing the internal rear view mirror of a VAZ 2107 . The mirror, as already mentioned, is located inside the car on a decorative trim at the top of the front windshield. The mirror is also attached using two self-tapping screws, which are hidden using a decorative overlay. Use a flathead screwdriver to pry up the cover and remove it. Next, use a screwdriver to unscrew the two fastening screws and remove the mirror itself. Installation is carried out in the same order as the reverse of removal.

    At this point, the repair to replace the external side and internal mirrors of the VAZ 2107 is completed.

    Rear-view mirrors are necessary for the driver to control the traffic situation when performing various maneuvers to change lanes from one lane of the roadway to another, as well as for the convenience of reversing maneuvers. For the convenience of the driver, the design of the cars provides for the presence of rear side mirrors located on the front doors and one internal mirror located in the car interior, centrally located near the windshield. Replacement of external side mirrors of VAZ 2107.

    This completes the removal process. Remove the mirror on the other side in the same way. Install in the reverse order of removal. Removing and repairing the internal rear view mirror of a VAZ 2107. The mirror, as already mentioned, is located in the car interior on a decorative trim in the upper part of the front windshield.

    Welcome! Today we will be replacing the side rear view mirror on VAZ 2108, VAZ 2109, VAZ 21099. Note! The article only describes replacing the side mirror itself with a new one, if you do not need to completely change the side mirror, but only need to replace the mirror part of the side mirror, then in this case (see How much will it cost to replace the side rear view mirror on a VAZ 2108-VAZ 21099? 1) A new standard side rear view mirror will cost you about 550-1200 rubles.

    Important! 1) Install the new side mirror on the car carefully, do not damage it! For newbies! Question: What does the standard side rear view mirror look like, which was installed from the factory on VAZ 2108-VAZ 21099 cars? 1. We prepare the VAZ 2107 car for operations (see Preparing the VAZ 2107 car for maintenance and repair).

    Remove the outside rear view mirror. Installing an exterior rear view mirror on a VAZ 2107. Installing a mirror on a VAZ 2107 is performed in the reverse order. Zvyato from: https://vaz2107club. Ru. Taken from: https://dtp-online-news.ru.

    Source: avtozam.ru

    How to disassemble a side view mirror

    Today, when I got out of work, I found the rear-view mirror in a non-standard position - slightly closed, I opened it and realized that some “bad asshole” had hit it hard. At the same time, the plastic is intact, the mirror is intact, the electrics work. But the mirror body has a decent amount of play in relation to the car body. Looking at our bumps will give you a headache. I know that I will have to take it apart and look, but I would like to know what to be prepared for. Has anyone encountered anything like this?




    Yes, something happened inside the triangle. I don’t even know how to take it apart yet.

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